

class AlertType(Enum)

Type of Attention Message Alert


Normal Alert message


Announcement message


Note message


class ChatType(Enum)

Chat Type


1:1 chat


Group chat


class Chat(object)

A chat between users and/or groups of users. The Chat class provides access to all information (title, members, etc.) of a chat and to the messages it contains. It also provides methods to interact with the specific chat it represents, e.g. for sending messages, adding and removing members, etc.


  • tid: unicode. The thread id of the chat
  • is_alert: boolean. Whether this is an alert chat
  • allow_sending: boolean, default True. Whether other members of the chat can send messages
  • allow_mute_notifications: boolean, defaul True. Whether members of the chat can mute notifications
  • is_closed: boolean. Whether the chat has been closed
  • type: one from the ChatType enum: either 1:1 or group chat


 | async post(message='', attachments=None, is_alert=False, reply_to=None, sender_display_name=None, alert_type=None)

coroutine to post a message and/or attachments to the chat


  • message: unicode (optional). The message text to be sent
  • attachments: list of Attachment objects, or an Attachments object (optional). The attachments to be sent
  • is_alert: boolean (default: false). Whether the message is an "alert" message
  • reply_to: Message object or string message ID (optional). Make the message being sent a reply to the Message object or the string message ID contained in the reply_to argument
  • sender_display_name: unicode. A string representing an external sender name. If set, clients will show this as the sender name, instead of the bot name
  • alert_type: AlertType. Type of alert (e.g. alert, announcement, note). Defaults to AlertType.ALERT if is_alert is True and alert_type is None


exceptions.TWNotFoundError if the chat or thread cannot be found exceptions.TWAuthError if the bot is not authorised to send a message to the given chat exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async add_members(users=[], groups=[])

coroutine to add members (users and groups) to the chat


  • users: list of User objects to be added as members of the chat
  • groups: list of Group objects to be added as members of the chat


exceptions.TWUpdateMembersNotAllowed if the backend admin disallowed chat members updates exceptions.TWInvalidMembersError if any of referenced members or groups are invalid exceptions.TWAuthError if the bot is not authorized to add members to the chat exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async remove_members(users=[], groups=[])

coroutine to remove members (users and groups) from the chat


  • users: list of User objects to be removed from the members of the chat
  • groups: list of Group objects to be removed from the members of the chat


exceptions.TWUpdateMembersNotAllowed if the backend admin disallowed chat members updates exceptions.TWInvalidMembersError if any of referenced members or groups are invalid exceptions.TWAuthError if the bot is not authorized to remove members from the chat exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async leave()

coroutine to make the bot to leave (i.e. unsubscribe from) the chat


exceptions.TWLeaveChatNotAllowed if the backend admin disallowed leaving chats exceptions.TWAuthError if the bot is not authorized to leave the chat exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async add_admin(admin)

coroutine to add a user as an administrator of the chat


  • admin: a User object to be added as administrator of the chat


exceptions.TWNotFoundError if the provided user is not active or has been deleted exceptions.TWAuthError if the bot is not authorized to add admins to the chat exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async remove_admin(admin)

coroutine to remove a user from the administrators of the chat


  • admin: a User object to be removed from the administrators of the chat


exceptions.TWNotFoundError if the provided user is not active or has been deleted exceptions.TWAuthError if the bot is not authorized to remove admins from the chat exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | get_user_members()

Method to get the list of users that are direct members of the chat (i.e. not the users that are part of the chat, because they are members of a group involved in the chat)


A list of User objects representing the user members of the chat


 | get_group_members()

Method to get the list of groups that are members of the chat


A list of Group objects representing the group members of the chat


 | get_admins()

Method to get the list of the administrators of the chat


A list of User objects representing the administrators of the chat


 | async get_readers()

coroutine to get the users who have read all the messages of the chat


a list of User objects of the users who have read all the messages of the chat


exceptions.TWReadReceiptsDisabled if read receipts have been disabled by the Admin exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async mark_as_read()

coroutine to mark the chat as "read" from the bot


a list of User objects of the users who have read all the messages of the chat


exceptions.TWAuthError if the operation is not allowed exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async pull_chat_feed(since=None)

coroutine to get the last messages of the chat, sent and received after a given date/time. Note, this method is deprecated since v1.0 of the SDK


  • since: datetime. Date/Time since when messages should be loaded


a tuple in the form (messages, last_modified) where messages is a list of Message objects, and last_modified is a datetime object indicating the last time a message hase been received in the chat


exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async get_messages(since=None)

coroutine to get the last messages of the chat, sent and received after a given date/time


  • since: datetime. Date/Time since when messages should be loaded. Default: 1 day ago


a tuple in the form (messages, last_modified) where messages is a list of Message objects, and last_modified is a datetime object indicating the last time a message hase been received in the chat


exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | new_attachments()

create a new Attachments object for accumulating attachments to be sent


an Attachments object


 | async update_title(title)

coroutine to update the title of the chat


  • title: unicode. The new title of the chat


exceptions.TWNotFoundError if the chat is not found exceptions.TWAuthError if the bot is not authorized to perform the operation exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async set_allow_sending(allow_sending)

coroutine to allow or disallow non-admin users to send messages


  • allow_sending: boolean. Whether non-admin members of the chat can send messages


exceptions.TWNotFoundError if the chat is not found exceptions.TWAuthError if the bot is not authorized to perform the operation exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async set_allow_mute_notifications(allow_mute_notifications)

coroutine to allow or disallow other users to mute notifications


  • allow_mute_notifications: boolean. Whether members of the chat can mute notifications


exceptions.TWNotFoundError if the chat is not found exceptions.TWAuthError if the bot is not authorized to perform the operation exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async close()

coroutine to close the chat


exceptions.TWCloseChatNotAllowed if the backend admin disallowed closing chats exceptions.TWNotFoundError if the chat is not found exceptions.TWAuthError if the bot is not authorized to perform the operation exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async reopen()

coroutine to reopen the chat


exceptions.TWNotFoundError if the chat is not found exceptions.TWAuthError if the bot is not authorized to perform the operation exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async load_avatar()

Coroutine to load the avatar image of the chat (if set).

Returns a bytes array representation of the loaded image


exceptions.TWImageLoadError if no avatar has been set for the chat exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async set_avatar(image_path)

coroutine to set the chat's avatar image


  • image_path: unicode. The full path to the image to be uploaded as an avatar for the bot


exceptions.TWImageLoadError if the provided image cannot be found or loaded correctly exceptions.TWAuthError if the bot is not authorized to change the chat avatar image exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async remove_avatar()

coroutine to remove the chat's avatar image


exceptions.TWImageRemoveError if the the avatar could not be removed exceptions.TWAuthError if the bot is not authorized to remove its avatar exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async get_active_shared_locations()

coroutine to get the total number of currently active shared locations in the chat


the total number of currently active shared locations in the chat


exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async stop_sharing_location()

coroutine to stop sharing the current location in this chat


exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async subscribe_live_location_updates(handler)

coroutine to subscribe to live-location updates for this chat


this method starts an infinite event loop, which will periodically invoke the handler callback. In order to avoid this to block the normal flow of execution, you can invoke it asynchronously with:



  • handler: a function or coroutine that will be invoked each time an update is received. A LiveLocationUpdate object is passed to the function as an argument


exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async unsubscribe_location_updates()

coroutine to unsubscribe from live-location updates for this chat


exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async send_am_reaction(message, reaction_type)

coroutine to send a reaction to a message


  • message: Message object. The message we are reacting to
  • reaction_type: one of ReactionType enum


an AMReaction object


exceptions.TWAuthError if the operation is not allowed exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async get_am_reactions(message)

coroutine to get all reactions to a given attention message


reactions can be retrievet only for proper attention messages (e.g. alerts, announcements, notes)


  • message: Message object


a list of AMReaction objects


exceptions.TWAuthError if the operation is not allowed exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async update_am_reaction(reaction, reaction_type)

coroutine to update a reaction to an attention message


reactions can be retrievet only for proper attention messages (e.g. alerts, announcements, notes)


  • reaction: AMReaction object to be updated with a new reaction
  • reaction_type: one of ReactionType enum


exceptions.TWAuthError if the operation is not allowed exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


class Chats(object)

An accessor to the chats involving the bot


 | async get_subscriptions()

coroutine to get all the chats the bot is subscribed to


a list of Chat objects


exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async get_by_thread_id(tid)

coroutine to get a chat by its thread id


  • tid: unicode. The thread id of the chat to be retrieved


a Chat object, None if not found


exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async get_by_title(title)

coroutine to get a list of chats with the provided title


  • title: unicode. The title of the chats to be retrieved


a list of Chat objects


exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async create_one2one_chat(recipient, message=None, attachment=None)

coroutine to create a new 1:1 chat

1:1 chats are created between two users, and no other users can be invited to the chat, moreover 1:1 chats cannot be left by their members. If a 1:1 chat with the same recipient is already present, that one will be reused. In general, for more flexible chat management, it's advisable that bots only create proper group chats, using the chats.create_chat() method.


  • recipient: User object. The other member of the 1:1 chat
  • message: unicode. The initial message of the chat
  • attachment: an Attachment object. The initial attachment of the chat


the message and attachment arguments are optional. If none of them is provided, an empty chat is created.


the newly created Chat object, or an already existing Chat with the same recipient.


exceptions.TWInvalidMembersError if any of referenced members or groups are invalid exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async create_chat(title, users=[], groups=[], message=None, attachment=None, is_alert=False, admins=[], avatar=None, allow_sending=True, allow_mute_notifications=True)

coroutine to create a new group chat. In order to create a 1:1 chat between the bot and the user, please use `chats.create_one2one_chat()"


  • title: unicode. The title of the new chat
  • users: list of User objects. The user members of the chat
  • groups: list of Group objects. The group members of the chat
  • message: unicode. The initial message of the chat
  • attachment: an Attachment object. The initial attachment of the chat
  • is_alert: boolean, default False. Whether the chat is an "alert" chat
  • admins: list of User objects. Members of the chat that that can administer the chat
  • avatar: optional string. Path to a max 600x600px jpeg image to set as avatar for the chat
  • allow_sending: boolean, default True. If False only admins can send messages to the chat
  • allow_mute_notifications: boolean, default True. Whether members of the chat can mute notifications


the message and attachment arguments are optional. If none of them is provided, an empty chat is created.


the newly created Chat object


exceptions.TWInvalidMembersError if any of referenced members or groups are invalid exceptions.TWImageLoadError if the avatar image cannot be correctly opened exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async update_shared_location(lat, lon)

coroutine to update the current location for all active location sharing attachments (shared in any thread)


  • lat: double between -90 and +90. The geo latitude of the location
  • lon: double between 0 and 180. The geo longitude of the location


exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | get_location_sharing_active_chats()

method to get all the chats where the SDK is actively sharing live-location.

This method returns a list of chats where the SDK/bot recently sent a LocationSharingAttachment which is still active (i.e. not expired) and where location sharing has not been explicitly stopped.


a list of Chat objects where live-location is being actively shared by the SDK


 | has_location_sharing_active_chats()

returns whether the SDK is actively sharing live-location in any chat


True if live-location is being actively shared by the SDK in any chat, False otherwise


 | async subscribe_am_reaction_updates(handler)

coroutine to subscribe to attention message reaction updates


this method starts an infinite event loop, which will periodically invoke the handler callback. In order to avoid this to block the normal flow of execution, you can invoke it asynchronously with:



  • handler: a function or coroutine that will be invoked each time a reaction is received. An AMReaction object is passed to the function as an argument


exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async unsubscribe_am_reaction_updates()

coroutine to unsubscribe from attention message reaction updates


exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems