

class AttachmentType(enum.Enum)



Calendar Attachment Type


Location Attachment Type

Gallery Attachment Type


Sound Attachment Type


Video Attachment Type


File Attachment Type


Poll Attachment Type


Live Location Attachment Type


class Attachment(object)

The base class for all kinds of attachments. This is never directly instantiated.


  • type: AttachmentType. The type of attachment


class CalendarAttachment(Attachment)

An attachment representing a calendar event This is never directly instantiated.


  • title: unicode. Title of the calendar event
  • startDate: datetime. The starting date of the event
  • endDate: datetime. The ending date of the event
  • description: unicode (optional). A textual description of the event
  • location: unicode (optional). The location of the event


class LocationAttachment(Attachment)

An attachment representing a geo location, or place This is never directly instantiated.


  • name: unicode. The name of the location
  • lat: double between -90 and +90. The geo latitude of the location
  • lon: double between 0 and 180. The geo longitude of the location
  • address: unicode (optional). Address of the place (None if not available)
  • city: unicode (optional). City of the place (None if not available)
  • country: unicode (optional). Country of the place (None if not available)
  • postalCode: unicode (optional). Postal code of the place (None if not available)


class LocationSharingAttachment(Attachment)

An attachment for sharing an updated live location This is never directly instantiated.


  • initial_lat: double between -90 and +90. The geo latitude of the initial location
  • initial_lon: double between 0 and 180. The geo longitude of the initial location
  • duration: integer. Number of seconds during which the sharing is active. The duration value must be one of the LocationSharingDuration constants


 | async get_updated_location()

coroutine to load the last known state of this live-location


a LiveLocationUpdate structure containing up-to-date information about the shared location


exceptions.TWInvalidState if the attachment has not been sent yet exceptions.TWNotFoundError if up-to-date information about the attachment cannot be found exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


class PollChoice(object)

A choice in a poll attachment


  • text: unicode. Choice text
  • votesCount: integer. Number of votes received for this choice


class PollData(object)

Poll data


  • createdAt: datetime. Time of creation of the poll
  • question: unicode. The question asked in the poll
  • choices: list of PollChoice objects
  • duration: double. Duration of the poll in seconds (if 0 the poll is unlimited)
  • ended: boolean. Whether the poll has ended


class PollAttachment(Attachment)

An attachment representing a poll This is never directly instantiated.


  • canEnd: boolean. Whether the poll can be ended by the bot


 | async getPollData()

coroutine to load the current state of a poll


a PollData structure containing information about the poll


exceptions.TWPollLoadException if the current poll data cannot be loaded exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


class AssetAttachment(Attachment)

A generic attachment representing a binary asset (image, video, sound, file)

This is a base class for concrete asset attachments (e.g. SoundAttachment, VideoAttachment, GalleryAttachment, FileAttachment) and it's never instantiated explicitly.


  • type: AttachmentType. The type of attachment


 | async load()

Coroutine that loads the content of an asset attachment


The binary content of the asset as byte array


exceptions.TWAssetLoadException if the asset data cannot be loaded exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async store(dest_file)

Coroutine to store the asset attachment’s content into the provided destination file


  • dest_file: unicode. The absolute path of the file where to store the content of the binary asset


class GalleryAttachment(AssetAttachment)

A gallery attachment


class SoundAttachment(AssetAttachment)

A sound attachment


class VideoAttachment(AssetAttachment)

A video attachment


class FileInfo(object)

File Attachment Information


  • filename: unicode. The name (name.ext) of the file
  • ext: unicode. The extension of the file
  • size: integer. The size in bytes of the file


class FileAttachment(AssetAttachment)

A file attachment


  • file_info: FileInfo. Information about the attached file


class Attachments(object)

Attachments container.

This is never directly instantiated. The Chat.new_attachments() method should be used instead.


attachments = chat.new_attachments()

# add a file attachment

# send the attachment(s)


 | async add_attachment(attachment)

coroutine to add an attachment object (i.e. any of CalendarAttachment, LocationAttachment, GalleryAttachment, SoundAttachment, VideoAttachment, FileAttachment, PollAttachment)


for Asset-based and poll attachments, this method first performs an upload operation, which can fail with an exception, as detailed below.


  • attachment: an Attachment object. Since Attachment objects cannot be instantiated directly, this can be an item of the attachments list received with a message. Indeed, this method can be used to forward a received attachment to the same or to another chat.


exceptions.TWAttachmentNotAllowed if sending the specific type of attachment (or attachments in general) is not allowed by the backend admin exceptions.TWAssetUploadException if an asset attachment cannot be uploaded exceptions.TWPollCreationException if a poll attachment cannot be created exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async add_file(file_name, data=None)

coroutine to add a file attachment


  • file_name: unicode. The full path of the file to be attached
  • data: bytes. If set, the data argument should contain the binary content of the file attachment, while file_name will be used to extract the basename of the file


exceptions.TWAttachmentNotAllowed if sending the specific type of attachment (or attachments in general) is not allowed by the backend admin exceptions.TWAssetUploadException if the file cannot be uploaded exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems

 | async add_gallery_file(file_name)

coroutine to add a gallery attachment from a file (deprecated since v1.3)


  • file_name: unicode. The full path of the file to be attached


exceptions.TWAttachmentNotAllowed if sending the specific type of attachment (or attachments in general) is not allowed by the backend admin exceptions.TWAssetUploadException if the image file cannot be uploaded exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems

 | async add_gallery(media)

coroutine to add a gallery attachment One between file_name and data arguments is required.


  • media: either string or bytes. If media is a string it will be interpreted as the full path of the file to be attached, otherwise it is interpreted as the binary content of the media file


exceptions.TWAttachmentNotAllowed if sending the specific type of attachment (or attachments in general) is not allowed by the backend admin exceptions.TWAssetUploadException if the image file cannot be uploaded exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async add_sound_file(file_name)

coroutine to add a sound attachment (deprecated since v1.3)


  • file_name: unicode. The full path of the file to be attached


exceptions.TWAttachmentNotAllowed if sending the specific type of attachment (or attachments in general) is not allowed by the backend admin exceptions.TWAssetUploadException if the sound file cannot be uploaded exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async add_sound(media)

coroutine to add a sound attachment


  • media: either string or bytes. If media is a string it will be interpreted as the full path of the file to be attached, otherwise it is interpreted as the binary content of the media file


exceptions.TWAttachmentNotAllowed if sending the specific type of attachment (or attachments in general) is not allowed by the backend admin exceptions.TWAssetUploadException if the sound file cannot be uploaded exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async add_video_file(file_name)

coroutine to add a video attachment (deprecated since v1.3)


  • file_name: unicode. The full path of the file to be attached


exceptions.TWAttachmentNotAllowed if sending the specific type of attachment (or attachments in general) is not allowed by the backend admin exceptions.TWAssetUploadException if the video file cannot be uploaded exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async add_video(media)

coroutine to add a video attachment


  • media: either string or bytes. If media is a string it will be interpreted as the full path of the file to be attached, otherwise it is interpreted as the binary content of the media file


exceptions.TWAttachmentNotAllowed if sending the specific type of attachment (or attachments in general) is not allowed by the backend admin exceptions.TWAssetUploadException if the video file cannot be uploaded exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems


 | async add_location(name, lat, lon, address=None, city=None, country=None, postalCode=None)

coroutine to add a location attachment


  • name: unicode. The name of the location
  • lat: double between -90 and +90. The geo latitude of the location
  • lon: double between 0 and 180. The geo longitude of the location
  • address: unicode (optional). Address of the place (None if not available)
  • city: unicode (optional). City of the place (None if not available)
  • country: unicode (optional). Country of the place (None if not available)
  • postalCode: unicode (optional). Postal code of the place (None if not available)


exceptions.TWAttachmentNotAllowed if sending the specific type of attachment (or attachments in general) is not allowed by the backend admin


 | async add_location_sharing(lat, lon, duration)

coroutine to add a location attachment


  • lat: double between -90 and +90. The geo latitude of the initial location
  • lon: double between 0 and 180. The geo longitude of the initial location
  • duration: integer. Number of seconds during which the sharing is active. The duration value must be one of the LocationSharingDuration constants


exceptions.TWAttachmentNotAllowed if sending the specific type of attachment (or attachments in general) is not allowed by the backend admin


 | async add_calendar(title, startDate, endDate, description=None, location=None)

coroutine to add a calendar attachment


  • title: unicode. Title of the calendar event
  • startDate: datetime. The starting date of the event
  • endDate: datetime. The ending date of the event
  • description: unicode (optional). A textual description of the event
  • location: unicode (optional). The location of the event


exceptions.TWAttachmentNotAllowed if sending the specific type of attachment (or attachments in general) is not allowed by the backend admin


 | async add_poll(question, choices, duration=None)

coroutine to add a poll attachment


  • question: unicode. The question asked in the poll
  • choices: list of strings representing the choice titles
  • duration: double. Duration of the poll in seconds (if None the poll is unlimited)


exceptions.TWAttachmentNotAllowed if sending the specific type of attachment (or attachments in general) is not allowed by the backend admin exceptions.TWPollCreationException if the poll attachment cannot be created exceptions.TWConnectionError in case of network error or timeout exceptions.TWServerError in case of backend-related problems